MINITRUE finds goodhome new
Based on the findings of the BRAC commission, MINITRUE is being realigned. MINITRUE is moving to The Ministry of Truth - INGSOC circa 2006.
The rantings and ravings of an uppity woman.
Great Blogger of the Week - "The Majority Report" (03/06/06)
Based on the findings of the BRAC commission, MINITRUE is being realigned. MINITRUE is moving to The Ministry of Truth - INGSOC circa 2006.
This is purely an ironic satire on "W's" ILLEGAL wiretapping. This satire is presented in the form of an Orwellian newsflash in Newspeak. "IF HE SPEAKS, IMPEACH!"
I am authorized to plusvisit dayminus 1 report on untrue reports about Big Brother's First Four Year Thoughtcrime Reduction Plan.
First, I pluslike to thank Crooks and Liars for the videos and story on Outer Party new unperson (Boxer (CA-D)) collaborator (Dean).
Exhibit one: Evidence of Outer Party unperson allegations of ungood BB order issue for monitoring of Citizens of "Oceania" for evidence of collusion with Eurasian spies under the direction of Goldstein. Source references: Crooks and Liars (Barbara Boxer on King George) (Original Source: Countdown, MSNBC, 20 12 05)
Exhibit Two: Untrue speak with unperson for thoughtcrime think that BB's order issue was ungood. Source references: Crooks and Liars (John Dean on Olbermann) (Original Source: Countdown, MSNBC, 27 12 05)
Inner Party good thought per Leader of MINITRUE: BB order plusgood. Citizens of "Oceania" are safe from thoughtcrime and ungood influence of Goldstein by doubleplusgood thought of BB to issue good order. IGNORANCE IS STRENGTH.
Hello, Mr Snow? We noticed that you are approaching your debt limit next year. I know you say you are a fiscal conservative and that you favor lower taxes, balanced budgets, and small government. However, when your boss cut taxes with an ongoing two front war, your spending exceeded the incoming revenue. Ordinary people would call that living beyond your means. When ordinary people are caught in a situation like that they might do something about it like get a second job (increse revenue) and cut back on stuff like the Jimmy Choo shoes and Burberry coats(cut pork).
Remember the mottoes of INGSOC:
(George Orwell, 1984)
The Best
Poor Moi, it must be difficult being a conservative who lives in blue Poughkeepsie, New York.
why do you care? are you a South Dakotan in need of an abortion? if the ppl of SD really wanted more abortionists, wouldn't they rise up against the "right" to get them? sound to me like South Dakotans could care less, so why do we?So moi, if you live in New York, why do you care about Mississippi's lack of abortion providers. And I just love being accused of racism. I must have gotten's dander up. Maybe moi doesn't like being lumped in with a bunch of terrorists like the Army of God. Maybe moi should move his or her "black ass" to South Dakota or Mississippi. It sounds like moi would be so much happier in a red state. Of course they expect non-white people to know their "place" there.
and why not the outcry over Mississippi's void of abortionists? oh, i forgot, planned parenthood+liberal media want us coloreds to think they love us. coming out and fighting for more abortions for poor rural black women is not a good look. kinda rings of genocide.
feliz navidad.This is coming from someone who lives in NEW YORK!!!! Yes, I know the majority of Americans celebrate Christmas, I celebrate it myself. It's not that hard to not celebrate Christmas. I was trying to illustrate how stupid the war on Christmas was. So Merry Fucking Christmas to you moi.
did you know that the majority of americans celebrate xmas?
wouldn't you and your hug-the-world buddies be bending over backwards with the shaloms and assalaamaleikums and all that if you were in another country?
why not bend over backwards to respect and be a part of the traditions of this country?
would you like to secede? sounds like your america would be better than ours. you should try it out.
moi | 12.27.05 - 11:38 am
why are white people in a tizzy about the feds spying on arabs and the like? get over it. in case you didn't know, the feds have been watching and listening to whomever they want when and wherever they want ever since they've been able to. black people know this. that is why we are sitting back and laughing at you. scaredy-cats one and all.O.K. So I guess moi doesn't mind the government just taking a peek at his e-mail or wiretapping his phones just because they think you might be a suspect. I would think as a get the government off our backs conservative, that moi would be concerned about it. OH I get it, moi wants the government off his back. Government poking into individual medical records, phone calls, and e-mails is for everyone else.
Abortion has become safe, legal and rare in South Dakota. But not because of better access to birth control, it's because of Christian terrorists issuing Fatwas of Death against doctors who perform abortions.
The last doctor in South Dakota to perform abortions stopped about eight years ago; the consensus in the medical community is that offering the procedure is not worth the stigma of being branded a baby killer.snip....many doctors in South Dakota who say they have no personal objection to performing abortions but cannot risk their careers and community standing by offering the procedure.
Some people get offended by telling them Happy Holidays or Seasons Greetings instead of Merry Christmas at this time of the year. I have a proposal, if you meet a person like that, tell them MERRY fucking CHRISTMAS!! in as loud a voice as possible. I mean they couldn't find mixing in the "F" word with Merry Christmas offensive wouldn't they? Merry Christmas is the only acceptable thing to say at this time of the year. After all it is politically correct to say Merry Christmas to everyone in between Thanksgiving and New Year's, why not give it some oompf with the "F" word? This is what we must do in order to keep Christmas sacred and we must protect it from Muslims in Senegal who want to share in the fun. And those Buddhists in Japan need to stop celebrating it as well.
Science museums are training their docents to correct misinformation about evolution. Good, because
"This is not a defensive reaction or an attempt to change anyone's mind," Allmon said. "It's just that we find most people are uninformed about evolution or have been given misinformation."Because conservatives like to keep people stupid. Science, schmience, as long as they keep voting for us. Hey a good well rounded education doesn't matter. A doctor doesn't need to understand why antibiotic resistant bacteria pop up or how new strains of viruses evolve.
"only one side of the science is presented. No other possibilities are allowed to compete."Ummm, that's because they are science museums, get your own damn intelligent design/creationism (whatever you are calling it today) museums. Oh that's right you already have. And it appears that only 38,000 visited between 2001 to 2004, Disney gets that many in a day. So much for Hollywood being out of touch with America.
Santa gave the cats their presents in person. They really liked the crinkly, catnip frog.
Have you seen those carts in the mall that sell unusual and exotic item? I have. The Washington Post has an article about the immigrants who set up the kiosks in the mall. They work 12 hour days, six days a week to get their businesses up and going. These are people who work hard and believe in the free enterprise system. They are the ones who stand up to the Wal-Marts and say "you will not crush us and exclude us from the system" (O.K. I made the last sentence up, it wasn't in the article, but it's my blog and my opinion.) It's a good thing the Minutemen aren't harassing them and blaming them for taking American jobs away from Americans. That's because these immigrants are creating American jobs, granted they hire family members but they are creating jobs. But the Minutemen are too busy blaming others for their shortcomings to open up a kiosk of their own. Even if the immigrant entrepreneurs are not Christians, they have no desire to see Christmas destroyed. Are you kidding? That's the bread and butter of their business.
I received this in my e-mail on Monday. It was forwarded to me by a family member.
This year I will be making a conscious effort to wish everyone Merry way of saying that I am celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. So I'm asking my friends, if you agree with me, to please do the same. And if you'll pass this on to your friends, and so on...make a stand and don't let anyone, any group, anything, prevent one more Christian right and freedom from being lost in the sea of "Political Correctness."
This time it's from Charles Krauthammer in the Washington Post saying that using the NSA to snoop on Americans without a warrant is o.k. What a complete and utter-fucking moron. (Or should I say udder fucking moron. The vision of Dr. Krauthammer fucking an udder is enough to go for the brain bleach.) Hey, he called those calling for impeachment ignorant, I can call him a fucking moron. Here's why I think he's a fucking moron who thinks you are stupid.
Does the president have the constitutional authority to conduct warrantless searches against suspected foreign agents in the United States?......In 1972 the Supreme Court required the president to obtain warrants to eavesdrop on domestic groups but specifically declined to apply this requirement to snooping on foreign agents. Four appeals courts have since upheld presidential authority for such warrantless searches. Not surprisingly, the executive branch has agreed.The US Code defines a foreign agent as follows:
US citizens were removed from the Foreign Agents Registration Act in 1995 and placed under the Lobbying Disclosure Act in 1995. They are required by law to register with the Lobbying Disclosure Act in 1995 of 18 U.S.C. 219
Q. What constitutes an agent?
A. An agent of a Foreign principal is any individual or organization which acts at the order, request, or under the direction or control of a foreign principal, or whose activities are directed by a foreign principal who:
1. engages in political activities, or
2. acts in a public relations capacity for a foreign principal, or
3. solicits or dispenses any thing of value within the United States for a foreign principal, or
4. who represents the interests of a foreign principal before any agency or official of the U.S. government.
The term "agent" does not include an American owned and operated newspaper meeting certain requirements.
Contrary to the administration, I also believe that as a matter of political prudence and comity with Congress, Bush should have tried to get the law changed rather than circumvent it. This was an error of political judgment. But that does not make it a crime. And only the most brazen and reckless partisan could pretend it is anything approaching a high crime and misdemeanor.No, Dr Krauthammer, lying about a blow job under oath is an error of political judgment. Snooping on American citizens and permanent resident aliens without a warrant is an impeachable offense.
FISA court judges have requested a briefing on the NSA's wiretapping of Americans without a warrant. Evidently the judges were not aware of this program, one judge has already resigned in protest. The briefing is scheduled for next month. I wonder if the executive branch will try to mislead them in this briefing, considering the lies about the War on Terror and the fuck-uped response to Hurricane Katrina, I would say yes. But these judges won't be fooled so easily.
One government official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity, said the administration complained bitterly that the FISA process demanded too much: to name a target and give a reason to spy on it.You mean a written justification like "This American telephone number that belongs to Jim Bob in Idaho has been talking to a known terrorist in Algeria and we would like to listen in order to see if they are planning a terrorist attack. How did we get this information? We were listening to the Algerian talking to a friend in Tunisia and the American phone number popped up"?
"For FISA, they had to put down a written justification for the wiretap," said the official. "They couldn't dream one up."
With the controversy over the Domestic Spy Scandal, I have notice that there is much confusion over what a US person is. The Right and The Left are confused about who or what is a US person. Well the FISA defines a US person as
"“United States person” means a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence (as defined in section 1101 (a)(20) of title 8), an unincorporated association a substantial number of members of which are citizens of the United States or aliens lawfully admitted for permanent residence, or a corporation which is incorporated in the United States, but does not include a corporation or an association which is a foreign power, as defined in subsection (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this section."
"An alien admitted to the United States as a lawful permanent resident. Permanent residents are also commonly referred to as immigrants; however, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) broadly defines an immigrant as any alien in the United States, except one legally admitted under specific nonimmigrant categories (INA section 101(a)(15)). An illegal alien who entered the United States without inspection, for example, would be strictly defined as an immigrant under the INA but is not a permanent resident alien. Lawful permanent residents are legally accorded the privilege of residing permanently in the United States. They may be issued immigrant visas by the Department of State overseas or adjusted to permanent resident status by the Immigration and Naturalization Service in the United States."
"corporation which is incorporated in the United States, but does not include a corporation or an association which is a foreign power, as defined in subsection (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this section."A foreign power is defined as
“Foreign power” means—This is were determining a US person vis-a-vis corporations are concerned gets complicated. Some examples:
(1) a foreign government or any component thereof, whether or not recognized by the United States;
(2) a faction of a foreign nation or nations, not substantially composed of United States persons;
(3) an entity that is openly acknowledged by a foreign government or governments to be directed and controlled by such foreign government or governments;
(4) a group engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation therefor;
(5) a foreign-based political organization, not substantially composed of United States persons; or
(6) an entity that is directed and controlled by a foreign government or governments.
"an entity that is openly acknowledged by a foreign government or governments to be directed and controlled by such foreign government or governments;"???or
"an entity that is directed and controlled by a foreign government or governments."????
WHY in the hell did W and Darth Cheney think that they could get away with this? W has committed THE HIGHEST CRIME POSSIBLE, TREASON AND VIOLATION OF ARTICLE IV OF THE CONSTITUTION, TO THE LETTER! Forget the impeachment hearings, just put W in one of his old electric chairs back in Texas and I'LL pull the fuckin' switch!
The Bulldog Manifesto of Impeach Bush Coalition announced that they have a new site up and running called Atta boy! Thank you for your patriotism, and I'm adding it to our favorite links.
I'd like to thank Mr. Bojangles for the questions he asked in his comments to yesterday's "Daily Kos" blog article that I linked to. These questions are pertinent and do you know why?...
I'm not going to beat the dead horse, at this time. The Mrs. did that earlier today on the subject. However, I will add my input based upon the lead story from Tuesday's "Countdown w/Keith Oberman".
Honorable [NAME HERE]
United States [House of Representatives][Senate]
The recent revelations of the President's ABUSE of the Patriot Act and his "so called" authority under the provisions of Article II "giving him broad powers as Commander-in-Chief" are very disturbing. George Bush’s actions to authorize the warrantless surveillance of U.S. persons, in my opinion, are in VIOLATION of Title 18 USC, the FISA Act, EO 12333, and the Posse Comitatus Act. As an informed and concerned citizen, I view these actions as high crimes and impeachable offenses! The Patriot Act is not a cover or cure-all to subvert the law! It is not his job to write or interpret the law, but to execute the federal policies and administrative functions as prescribed by the laws written and approved by the Congress and the rulings of the Supreme Court and the federal district courts.
As the [Representative][Senator] for the Citizens of the [Nth Congressional District of the] Commonwealth / State of [STATE HERE], it is you solemn and highest duty to enforce the Constitution under the powers granted to Congress under Article I, and inform the President that he over-reached the bounds of his authority, which cannot be tolerated. The only action that's warranted under these circumstances is to move for a congressional investigation to determine if impeachment proceedings are in order!
For the security of the United States and the preservation and enforcement of the Supreme Law of the Land, I strongly urge you to act quickly to uphold the Law. This isn't a case of lying to Congress over a blow job; it is a repetitive abuse of power!
With honor and respect,
Bill Kristol and Gary Schmidt believe in the divine right of presidents. Bill Kristol is a notorious neo-con whose policies are leading the country to hell in a handbasket. Gary Schmidt works for the alledgely libertarian American Enterprise Institute. Both show an ignorance of intelligence law, particularly the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) and Executive Order 12333. EO 12333 is the EO that limits collections on US Persons. It defines a US Person as
"United States person means a United States citizen, an alien known by the intelligence agency concerned to be a permanent resident alien, an unincorporated association substantially composed of United States citizens or permanent resident aliens, or a corporation incorporated in the United States, except for a corporation directed and controlled by a foreign government or governments."And the FISA says this about collection on US persons versus non-US persons,
"(1) Notwithstanding any other law, the President, through the Attorney General, may authorize electronic surveillance without a court order under this subchapter to acquire foreign intelligence information for periods of up to one year if the Attorney General certifies in writing under oath thatHow do Kristol and Schmidt define a US person?
(A) the electronic surveillance is solely directed at
(i) the acquisition of the contents of communications transmitted by means of communications used exclusively between or among foreign powers, as defined in section 1801 (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title; or
(ii) the acquisition of technical intelligence, other than the spoken communications of individuals, from property or premises under the open and exclusive control of a foreign power, as defined in section 1801 (a)(1), (2), or (3) of this title;
(B) there is no substantial likelihood that the surveillance will acquire the contents of any communication to which a United States person is a party; and
(C) the proposed minimization procedures with respect to such surveillance meet the definition of minimization procedures under section 1801 (h) of this title; and
if the Attorney General reports such minimization procedures and any changes thereto to the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence at least thirty days prior to their effective date, unless the Attorney General determines immediate action is required and notifies the committees immediately of such minimization procedures and the reason for their
becoming effective immediately. "
"'U.S. person' -- a U.S. citizen or a legal alien."A legal alien can be someone who is in the United States on a visa. Not all legal aliens are US persons, only legal aliens who hold green cards are considered US persons. Who are they talking about being a legal alien? Zacharias Moussaoui? Technically, he is a legal alien but he is not a US Person. Nic bit of spin Kristol and Schmidt have going there. And the spinning continues:
Consider the case of Zacarias Moussaoui, the French Moroccan who came to the FBI's attention before Sept. 11 because he had asked a Minnesota flight school for lessons on how to steer an airliner, but not on how to take off or land. Even with this report, and with information from French intelligence that Moussaoui had been associating with Chechen rebels, the Justice Department decided there was not sufficient evidence to get a FISA warrant to allow the inspection of his computer files. Had they opened his laptop, investigators might have begun to unwrap the Sept. 11 plot. But strange behavior and merely associating with dubious characters don't rise to the level of probable cause under FISA."BULLSHIT!!!!!
It is sufficient in the case of a non-U.S. person to show that the information to be acquired is merely related to the national defense or security of the United States of the conduct of foreign affairs; where a U.S. person is involved, the contents of the application must include a showing that the acquisition of such information is necessary to national defense or security or the conduct of foreign affairs.So Kristol's and Schmidt'argument doesn't fly because Moussaoui was not a US person. But they don't expect you to know that. They think you are stupid. Well, I am sick and tired of having my intelligence and the intelligence community insulted by neo-cons.
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![]() Demon Terror You Feast On: Power Bars You Lurk Around In: Roller Rinks You Especially Like to Torment: Republicans Haha, Yes I do like to torment Republicans. |
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![]() Normal enough to know that you're weird... But too damn weird to do anything about it! |
AmericaBLOG speculates that the NSA is spying on American journalists. Good article. In light of the Valerie Wilson leak, could the government be eavesdropping on personnel in the intelligence community? After all they do have contacts with the enemy, it's called collecting Human Intelligence.
You scored as Existentialist. Existentialism emphasizes human capability. There is no greater power interfering with life and thus it is up to us to make things happen. Sometimes considered a negative and depressing world view, your optimism towards human accomplishment is immense. Mankind is condemned to be free and must accept the responsibility.
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It's time for me to come out of the closet. I work in the intelligence community. Until recently, I took pride in my profession. No I am not spying on US citizens. This blog is something I write on my own time to vent my frustrations about the decline of my country under the Bush administration.
Mr. Bush's executive order allowing some warrantless eavesdropping on those inside the United States - including American citizens, permanent legal residents, tourists and other foreigners - is based on classified legal opinions that assert that the president has broad powers to order such searches, derived in part from the September 2001 Congressional resolution authorizing him to wage war on Al Qaeda and other terrorist groups, according to the officials familiar with the N.S.A. operation.Tourists and others visiting the United States on a visa are not considered US Persons.
Some agency officials wanted nothing to do with the program, apparently fearful of participating in an illegal operation, a former senior Bush administration official said. Before the 2004 election, the official said, some N.S.A. personnel worried that the program might come under scrutiny by Congressional or criminal investigators if Senator John Kerry, the Democratic nominee, was elected president.Then, why did they blow the whistle to the NY Times? I'm taking that with copious amounts of salt since it was an anonymous Bush administration official who said that.
The Army is changing its ad agency. The current agency is the one the came up with the slogan "An Army of One". I used to joke it meant "one person does the work of an army." I was true in the post draw down Army when I left in 2001, it is even more true today with the Iraq War. Bush did nothing to fix a broken army. I don't understand the servicemen and women who still drink the kool-aid. Maybe it's the 45 hours a week of conservative programming they get on AFN.
including a $20,000 signing bonus, $65,000 in student loan repayments, $70,000 in college grants, and a $400 monthly bonus to some who agree up front to serve in Iraq or Afghanistan. There are also plans for mortgage assistance and other incentives.Ummm, these carrots aren't really new. Those incentives were in place when I joined in 1992. The $400 monthly bonus is from a combination of incentives like hazardous duty pay, family seperation pay and other deployment bonuses. What plans for mortage assistance are they talking about? The Army already has a housing allowance for married soldiers who live off post. Guess what? It's tax free and and they can still use the mortage interest deduction on their income taxes. Talk about a double tax break. Active duty soldiers also qualify for VA loans too. Imagine, buying a house with PMI covered by the government, with a tax free subsidy and a mortagage interest deduction from your income tax.
From Elmo and Shakespeare's Sister I see a story about a snowschlog. Unfortuately, the police knocked it down to protect the children. O.K. half the children in the world have a penis. Amazing the power of the penis, it must be feared.
It's time to nominate the Koufax Awards. So head on over there and shamelessly nominate yourself and your blog buddies.
I swear if I hear some wingnut whine about how liberal NPR is I will do something unspeakable to him or her. Media Matters has the goods on NPR. NPR relies on right wing think tanks for input into news stories 63% of the time. The other 37% are not liberal think tanks like The Center for American Progress. They are centrist think tanks like The Brookings Institution and The Center for Strategic and International Studies. I guess it is true about the United States, the only political parties we have is Far Right (the Republicans) and Center Right (the Democrats). Until NPR starts doing a 33% Right-wing, 33% Center, and 33% Left-wing think tank balance; I will withhold my donations until they shape up. And when the local NPR station calls for me to renew my membership, I will tell them why.
The religious right has done a lot to alienate me from Christianity. Their hypocrisy on social issues really torks me off. The Washington Post exposes their hypocrisy. So what are Focus on the Family's priorities?
their priorities are abortion, same-sex marriage and seating judges who will back their position against those practices.
"It's not a question of the poor not being important or that meeting their needs is not important," said Paul Hetrick, a spokesman for Focus on the Family, Dobson's influential, Colorado-based Christian organization. "But whether or not a baby is killed in the seventh or eighth month of pregnancy, that is less important than help for the poor? We would respectfully disagree with that."
The Resistance
The Washington Post covers that bunch losers called the Minutemen again. Yes, they have nothing better to do than to harrass people who are poorer than they are. How do I know the Minutemen are a bunch of losers?
Hillgreen, who works in telecommunications, said his son, 20, had lost two jobs in the past two years -- one at a sawmill and one in construction -- because his bosses hired day laborers.Hillgreen's son can only get unskilled labor jobs? Dude, I think your complaint should be with the education system for not educating your son for the workplace. Or maybe Hillgreen's son just had a bad attitude at work, considering his father's sense of entitlement. Why isn't your 20 year old son in college? I know college is expensive, but if Daddy has the financial resources to take time off from work to harrass day laborers, couldn't he help pay for his son's college? If Daddy is willing to help the son keep a job, why not enable the son to get a better job? If the son really wants a job that an illegal immigrant cannot take away from him, why doesn't he join the military? I hear they're hiring and the Hillgreen's sound like a nice patriotic family. But then their values might clash with the inclusiveness of the military. But of course for these bigots, it's always someone else's fault.
"I don't care about them," he said as the laborers stared across at him. "I don't mean I don't care about them on a human level, but on this issue. We are interested in the employers."It's the "I'm not rascist, I have friends who are black, hispanic...." WHATEVER!
"They're getting free services," she said of the day laborers. "The employers are breaking the law because they are not paying taxes on the wages."
(Alex) Aleman wondered whether someone was paying the Minutemen. How else could they find the time to be snapping photos on a workday? Well, he added, unless they were rich and had no need to work.Someone needs to get a life.
Governor Mark Warner will earmark money to boost science at Virginia's colleges. The $225 million will come from the Commonwealth's budget surplus. What a concept!! Using a budget surplus for a long term investment in the educational infrastructure. After all, universities like Virginia and William & Mary can't just rest their reputation on being part one of the oldest state university systems in the country. They have to contribute to the body of knowledge. It looks like Virginia, Virginia Tech, Virginia Commonwealth University, and George Mason University will get the lion's share of the money.
"It is absolutely essential, if we are going to continue the economic prosperity we have in Virginia, that we continue to drive and create intellectual capital," Warner said.
Is this it for Sister Mary "Hotpants", or will Carlos recover from his yellow fever shot reaction and go to Bothswanna anyway?
Virginia Republicans gathered in Hot Springs, VA yesterday to do a damage assessment of what happened in the 2005 governor's race. They also looked ahead to 2006. Some of the problems they had?
Allen, who is widely thought to be considering a presidential bid in 2008, also told the state party activists gathered for an annual conference that they must stand behind "common-sense Jeffersonian conservative principles" that have helped propel the GOP in national and state elections.I think they missed this Jeffersonian ideal
Believing that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their Legislature should "make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof," thus building a wall of separation between Church and State (Letter to the Danbury Baptists, 1802).Or this Jeffersonian ideal
I do not believe it is for the interest of religion to invite the civil magistrate to direct its exercises, its discipline, or its doctrines; nor of the religious societies that the general government should be invested with the power of effecting any uniformity of time or matter among them. Fasting and prayer are religious exercises. The enjoining them, an act of discipline. Every religious society has a right to determine for itself the times for these exercises and the objects proper for them according to their own particular tenets; and this right can never be safer than in their own hands where the Constitution has deposited it... Every one must act according to the dictates of his own reason, and mine tells me that civil powers alone have been given to the President of the United States, and no authority to direct the religious exercises of his constituents (letter to Samuel Miller, Jan. 23, 1808).(More quotes from Thomas Jefferson on Church and State here)
On Friday night, former governor James S. Gilmore III said that division over taxes was the chief reason for Kilgore's poor showing Nov. 8.
Gilmore, who campaigned for governor in 1997 by promising to eliminate the car tax, said the party needs to get back to unabashed support for lower taxes.
"We stand for promises made and promises kept," Gilmore said at a reception hosted by Sen. Bill Bolling (R-Hanover), who will be inaugurated lieutenant governor in January. "We will be doomed to minority status if we do not."
Many Republicans believe that Kilgore ran a campaign too close to the political center and didn't criticize Gov. Mark R. Warner (D) enough for raising taxes last year.The reason why Jerry Kilgore lost was because he wasn't conservative enough, he didn't attack hard enough, he didn't promise tax cuts, he didn't pander to the fundagelicals.
"Less taxation, less litigation, greater energy independence in this country. These are the foundational ideals that [Americans and Virginians] believe in."Less taxation, because living beyond your means is always a good financial plan to have, isn't it? George, you realize you are a trial lawyer?? Why do you want to put yourself out of business. Oh that's right, personal responsibility is for the little guy. Personal responsibility is not for the corporations and the rich. I guess greater energy independence means opening up ANWR for oil drilling and not weaning us away from the energy resources that contribute to global warming. But hey, I'm sure the good people who live in areas that will get hit by stronger hurricanes don't mind. After all, it's their fault they live there. Right? I guess those aren't the foundational ideal this American who lives in Virginia believes in. But what do I know? I just live in the blue bubble of Alexandria.